December 9, 2021

How to Delete Facebook Pixel

How to Delete Facebook Pixel

Getting rid of something you do not want can be frustrating, especially when you cannot remove it completely. However, in Facebook's case, though you cannot delete a pixel from your account, you can delete it from your ad account. This technique helps when you upload an ad in the advertising manager, allowing you not to see the pixel in Facebook's pixel collection.

Aside from that quick solution, the Facebook pixel is also easy to remove from your webpage with web platforms since some of these sites let you set up pixels through the number you choose. These are usually in the dashboard of your website platform.

To get rid of the Facebook pixel from your ad account, follow these steps:

Click the Business Settings option in your Business Manager.

Select Data Sources and click Pixels from the drop-down menu.

Select the Pixel from your ad account that you want to delete.

Select Connected Assets among the three choices.

Next to the ad account name, hover over the trash symbol and click.

There you have it! Now, you can stop stressing about what to do if you want to remove a pixel from your ad account. Want more tips about Facebook or explore more with social media? Feel free to sign up at Boostify! Learn how you can make the most of your ad spend at an affordable cost!